Crafting a personal vision statement
DM2113 - social media class For a few years now I have had a screensaver that has kept my eyes focused on my aims for future goals and...
Crafting a personal vision statement
Pro Social generosity
Adding characters to design
Boost Your Good - sketchbook
DM7903 Boost Your Good prototype
Global Goals - heroes to the rescue
Comics and Heroes
Guest lecture.... No2
Week 9 - S1
Guest Lecture... No1
Week 8 - Mini app project
Week 7 - S1 - how can we change?
Action for happiness...
Week 5 - S1 - Process and design
Week 4 - S1 - Presentation
Week 3 - S1 - Missions ARTISTS
Week 2 - S1 Wire it up!!
Week 1 - S1 Design practice
No stone unturned
Project sketchbook