DM9717 Form...
MY ART FOR THIS PROJECT: Form and presence, abstraction and connection, line and form, presence and abstraction, connection and line, Form and presence, abstraction and connection, line and form, presence and abstraction, connection and line
Image 1: UNTITLED (FINGERS), 1999 Louise Bourgeois
Image 2: Louise Bourgeois, Tits, 1967 © The Easton Foundation/Licensed by DACS
James Brunt's work had a huge impact on me and my thinking about the randomness of stones, the fibinarchy sequence and formation of natural order, is something perhaps the human mind craves and sets out to achieve with every stone it collects...
Olivier Grossetête make AR and VR real.... cardboard sculpture madero float in the real world with balloons. the birds eye view of the perspective the the landscape below must make those above and below think that their world has become un-ordered and surreal...